Create, browse, order from
Mobile Menus

Automate ordering, free-up wait-staff, and manage menus per-store with Toastel's mobile menu app.

A modern checkout experience

Create Menus

Create menus for your customers to order from. We also provide you the flexability to update them per-store as needed.

Generate Menu QR Codes

Once your menus are created, we'll generate a QR code for each table to access your menus. Each table's code is unique, so that orders can be tracked.

Customer Checkout

Once your customers check out via Toastel Pay, we will transfer the funds to your business and update the store's orders-list with the order to be fulfilled.

Why Toastel?

Glad you asked! Here are a few of the benefits Toastel can offer you.

Transparent pricing by scale

Modernize your customer checkout, and free-up wait-staff with Toastel.

  • Basic

    $12/ mo

    + 3.5% + 35¢

    Per order transacted

    • 1 Store location
    • 1 Staff account
    • Toastel Pay
  • Standard

    $49/ mo

    + 3.2% + 35¢

    Per order transacted

    • Up to 4 Store locations
    • Up to 7 Staff accounts
    • Toastel Pay
  • Professional

    $129/ mo

    + 2.9% + 35¢

    Per order transacted

    • Up to 9 Store locations
    • Up to 14 Staff accounts
    • Toastel Pay

Have any questions?

Let us know your use-case, so that we can better understand our users, and help you out.

Contact us!

We'll try our best to answer any questions you have. Or let us know your use-case!